Indians...Saving Concept...Save for retirement...Save for retirement...Save for retirement...Save for retirement...Don't enjoy life...Retire...Save for Children (who generally are well settled)...Save for Children...Die.
Like it or hate it, it is a fact. We Indians think too much and are too miserly when it comes to spending money. An Indian, hungry and looking tempted would generally say,"If I can get the same Samosa at 10 Rupees outside, why should I pay 40 bucks to have it here? I'll wait for another 3 hours till the movie finishes and buy it outside."
Seriously? Is 3o bucks going to spend that big a hole in your pocket? Ask me and I'd rather spend the extra 30 bucks and enjoy it thoroughly than not spend the money and not enjoy.
I've been criticized by most buddies of over spending. Hell they don't realize the joy in enjoying the right things at the right time even if its comes at a slight extra cost. The inner conscience just laughs at them and says, "Screw them, they'll never get it. They don't realize what they're missing out on."
Nice thought Abhishek, we do get miserly at times. However, with the freelancing, ive come to know the value of money, and i think the right thing is to strike a balance. Not be spendthrifts, but not be misers either. That is, spend just enough to not be guilty about it! :D :)